一句话瑜伽,第191期Odette:反思已经成为我生命成长的巨大催化剂。Reflection has become such a hugecatalystfor growth in my life.
它有很多种形式:与朋友、家人、导师交谈,甚至只是大声对自己说,深入思考,或者只是寻找寂静,让答案走向我。It's taken many forms: talking with friends, family, mentors, or even just aloud to myself,diving deeply into thought,or just finding stillness and letting answers come to me.
我最喜欢的反思练习已经成为日记。有时我只是写下我脑海里的任何东西,即使它是从废话开始。Myfavoritereflectivepractice has become journaling.Sometimes I just write whatever is on my mind, even if it starts out as little bits of nonsense.
但通常,我喜欢自问自答,你需要放弃什么?什么无助于你的最高成长?But often times, I like to answer questions.What do you need to let go of? What is no longer serving you yourhighest growth?
什么是你的优先?你如何创造更多的空间和精力去投入那些优先事项?What are yourpriorities? How can you create more space and energy to devote to those priorities?
你想列什么清单?需要什么行动和信念来欢迎这些事情进入你的生活?What would you like to manifest? What actions and beliefs are required to welcome those things into your life?
你怎么善待自己?你怎么善待别人和这片土地呢?How can you treat yourself more kindly? How can you treat others and the earth more kindly?
我喜欢一次又一次地回答这些问题,并且看到它们是如何发展的,我的成长没有任何判断或期限,只是静候佳音。I love answering these questions again and again and seeing how theyevolvewhile placing no judgements or deadlines on my growth, just letting it come as it will.
你最喜欢迎接生命成长的方式是什么?What s your favorite way to welcome growth into your life?