一句话瑜伽,第193期Kirsty:这一直是一个很难谈论的话题,因为该吃什么东西大家各有说辞。This is always a hard topic to talk about because everyone's views are so different on whatyou should put in your body.
就个人而言,我不遵循节食、饮食计划或计算卡路里。我凭感觉在吃(我饿的时候吃东西,吃饱的时候停下来)。Personally, I do not follow a diet, an eating plan or count calories. I eat intuitively(I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full).
我不是严格的素食主义者或素食者,但我喜欢大多数素食,我的母亲吃素超过20年,我妹妹也是。I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but I do like most vegetarian/vegan products as my mom has been a vegetarian for over 20 years and my younger sister is aswell.
我相信饮食与锻炼不是同步的。虽然有证据表明不是这样,但我从不会因为一顿饭而努力锻炼。I believe that diet does NOT go hand-in-hand with working out. Although the statement. abs are made in the kitchen is true I never want to feel like I need to work out more to work off a meal.
对我来说,面对食物这不是一个好心态。你的食物应该让你感觉良好。不管你是吃一块巧克力也好,素食也好,你都应该乐在其中。To me, that is a bad mentality to have about your food. Your food should make you FEEL good. Maybe that is a feeling you get when you have a vegan diet, maybe that' s a feeling you get when you put a piece of chocolate in your mouth..
但是不管怎样,食物是来补充你的灵魂和身体。—— Ps.我只是很坦率,所以把你的指指点点放一边。but whatever it is, eat food to fuel your soul + body. -Ps. I was just super transparent, so please put your judgment aside if you have any.
我永远不会评判你选择的食物。同时,我要明确的是,没有人的饮食习惯是一样的,没有人的体质是一样的。I would never judge YOU for your food choices. Also, Iwant to make it VERY clear that no ones eating habits are the same and no ones bodies are the same.
你可以吃和你邻居完全相同的食物,但你们永远不会有相同的身材。去爱你自己,倾听你的身体。You could eat the EXACT same things are your neighbor and never have the same body shape.Just love yourself and listen to your body.