一句话瑜伽,第187期Suchitra:我醒来时,我背部和脖子的肌肉疼痛的最厉害……这种情况每隔一段时间就会发生。I woke up with the worst muscle pain in my upper back andneck....this happens every once in a while.
这通常发生在一次剧烈的练习之后,总是在我紧张和忙晕的时候。It happens usually after astrenuouspractice and it 's always at a time when I' mstressed and spreading myself too thin.
一月是疯狂的,我知道我需要休息和疗养。我一直觉得身体被掏空…January has been insane and I know for sure I need to take sometime to rest andrecuperate. I' ve been feeling so exhausted...
我们必须停下和休息,别以为我是瑜伽老师,就意味着我不会疼痛,我一次又一次地提到这一点,但休息对我来说很难。We have to unplug and rest and just because I'm a yoga teacher does not mean I do not get hurt orache. I mention this time and time again, but its hard for me to rest.
也许是因为害怕失去力量或依恋我身体练习瑜伽的感觉。也许作为女人,我们总是觉得女人必须无所不能?maybe its out of fear of losing strength orattachmentto how good I feel when I physically practice yoga. Maybe as women we always feel like we have to be doing everything?
但是当我坐下来思考这些的时候,我开始嘲笑自己。当我们逼自己的时候会适得其反。But when Isit backand actually think about all of that I start laughing at myself. We will be weaker and unbalanced when we push ourselves too far.
在我们的生活中,四季变换,时间推移,有着各种各样的瑜伽,实话实说,我真的心有余而力不足。There are types of yoga for all seasons and times in our lives and honestly I cannot do it all...as much as I want to sometimes.
因此我要从倒转和用力的手臂练习中消停一下,来日方长,休息是为了更好的工作!祝你周末快乐!So I need to rest and take a break frominversionsand strenuous arm practice.The coming days would be long andI'm being sure to rest up and feel better for that!have a happy weekend Yogis!