一句话瑜伽,第188期Miranda:当你有意识地唤醒成长时,智慧随之而来。When you consciously invoke growing,consciously invoke wisdom.
你唤醒的部分,有时候深藏不露。You consciously invoke parts of yourself that are not whole to come into the foreground of your life.
通往完整的旅程需要你坦诚地看待。The journey to wholeness requires that you look openly.
诚实和勇敢地面对自己。Honestly and with courage into yourself.
进入你感觉到的,你感知的,你重视的,以及你的行为背后的动态。Into the dynamics that lie behind what you feel, what you perceive, what you value, and how you act.
这是一个通过你的防御以及穿越过它,这样你就能有意识地体验真我。It's a journey through your defences and beyond so that you can experience consciously the nature of your personality.
面对它在你的生活中所引起的东西。Face what it has produced in your life.
如果你如此介意的话,去改变它。and chose to change that if you so desire.