一句话瑜伽,第189期瑜伽初学者Mei lee:我没想到在短短的七天内就能取得这么多进步。I didn't expect to get a whole lot of progress out of JUST seven days.
但我的鸽王式还差得太远了。But I'm certainly nowhere near King Pigeon pose.
然而,我汲取了比瑜伽体式更重要的东西,因为知识价更高。However, what I gathered was greater than mastering any asana, as what I gained was knowledge.
了解自己的身体知识,准备身体练习的方法,怎样用道具来帮助我练习,让我应接不暇。Knowledge of my own body, of ways to prep my body, of props to aid my practice, and of a myriad of variations accessible to me.
我致力于练习这些伸展练习,看看我能在一年内能进步多少。I'm dedicated to practicing these lead up stretches and seeing how far I can come in a year.
我喜欢跟着感觉走,不断追求卓越,不断变化。我觉得自己停不下来,但乐在其中。I do like to practice at a high level with lots of variety. It really doesn’t stop, but I have a lot of fun with it.
瑜伽具有艺术性,让我感觉需要和我的身体协调一致。yoga is artistic and allows me to feel in tune with my body.
它让我展现出我的个性和决心,这正是我为自己创造的东西。It allows me to show my personality and determination, something that I’m creating for myself.