一句话瑜伽,第189期Brealle:如果你想做得更好,你就必须专注于这些:不是谴责和议论,键盘侠,互相挤兑,互相抱怨,悲伤和滋养不好的东西。If you want better, you have to focus on what that is instead of condemning and discussing,blogging about, pushing against,mutuallygriping about,grieving about and feeding what's not good.
在我知道之前和明白自己如何完全的自爱或者自己的界限在哪之前。Before I knew that and before I understood how to love myself fully by myself or about boundaries.
我屡次被卷入话题事件之中,很受伤。I repeatedlyvisited subjects and incidencesthat harmed me in someway.
如果我用我宝贵的理智来分析它,我会感觉更好,但我不会浪费精力。lf Ianalyzeit for the billionth time with my mind and heart, I will feel better and it will finally make sense.You won't and it won't.
我的内心永远不会回头,现在和将来也不会。我并不是说坐以待毙,而是不要陷入这些无脑的问题。My inner being never looks back, and now nor wilI. I'm not saying don't process - but don't get stuck in the questions.
此时此刻我全力以赴做自己。我必须训练自己转换思路,并集中精力带来最好的自己。All my power to be who I really amis right here right now. And I have to train myself toredirectmy thoughts and discussions and focus to what brings out the best in me.
特蕾莎修女说过,别惹我,我会在沉默中爆发。I will never attend an anti-war rally, but if you hold apeace rally, invite me.——Mother Teresa.