一句话瑜伽,第190期Odette:拥抱你的神奇,停止无关紧要的事情。Embrace your own fabulousness Stop living like you don 't matter.
比如你必须瘦一点,等待一个场合或盛装的机会,或者拿出拿手好菜。Like you have to be small and wait for an occasion to have fun or dress up or to take out the nice dishes.
不要为你的感觉、你的外表和你在哪而道歉!Stop apologizing for how you feel, how you look or where you are right now!
做你自己最好的朋友,现在自豪地秀出你的瑜伽姿势,秀出你的创造力。Be your own best friend now, be proud to show your asana now, show your creativity now.
祝贺你迎来久违的自信,我说每天只有称心才能如意。Celebrate those who have the confidence and presencealready. I saylive it up everyday as you see fit.
庆祝你今天来到这里——你难以置信充满智慧的身体,你的说话方式和创造的事物。Celebrate yourself being here today - your incredibly intelligent body, your way of speaking and creating things.
看着今天的自己说:这就是我要的感觉,我喜欢。Look at yourself today and say :Damn, I'm awesome in all these ways and I love being here.
然后激励他人做惊人的自己——提醒其他人今天他们是多么有天赋,他们是如此应当。Then inspire others to also be their amazing selves - remind someone else today of how gifted they are and how already deserving they are.