走进百大冠军89期:Tessa Barresi:右边的女孩是运动员。左边的女孩也是运动员。其实,左边的女孩和右边的女孩一样的努力。作为一个健美运动员,也许你刚吃饱喝足大腹便便,但运动过后一切都会恢复正常。也许我说的并不是肌肉,也许是当天气色不好,水肿,我们总是想做点什么,让自己每时每刻都状态饱满。
Tessa Barresi:我们总喜欢用滤镜美化我们自己,挑选最好的照片呈现给别人,因为我们希望人们看到我们最好的一面。把自己最好的面貌展示给别人,初衷是好的,但是真实会离我们远去。
Tessa Barresi:如果你用别人眼中的完美来定义你自己,那么你永远不会对自己满意。每个人都有追求美的权利,但我们必须冷静下来,不要随波逐流。
Tessa Barresi:很显然,我们无法保持一整天都拥有极致的身材,因此我会重新思考自己那些所谓完美的照片。我最终明白,那不是我想要的。
Tessa Barresi:大多数时候,我穿着运动裤和卫衣,可能是臃肿的——我确信我们都是——但为了好看我们不管不顾天气季节的变化,我们更愿意穿的少一些,因为我们想展示自己最好的自己。
Tessa Barresi:我认为社交媒体,是我们在意形象问题的一个主要因素,甚至可以说我已经成为了它的牺牲品。看到别人完美的样子,自己的心总是痒痒的。
Tessa Barresi:一个不断的来自“完美”的压力,无论它是什么,我们总是趋之若鹜。殊不知“完美”会带给我们压力,如果美是一种压力,那还叫美吗?
Tessa Barresi:不要把自己和那些在相机前处心积虑的人做比较。提醒自己要自信,你是谁,什么是真实的。从现在开始,请控制住自己的“野心”。也许我会按奈不住想用滤镜去除我的黑眼圈,但货真价实的肌肉已经开始坚定我的立场。做真实的自己,无需修饰。
资料来源:The girl on the right is an athlete. The girl on the left is also an athlete.The girl on the left works just as hard as the girl on the right.The girl on the right is an athlete. The girl on the left isalso an athlete.The girl on the left works just as hard as the girl on the right.If you compare yourself to someone else's version of perfection you will never be happy with your own.Obviously I don't walk around all day flexing, so I don't look like the girl on the right 24/7.Most of the time I'm in sweatpants and hoodies and probably bloated- I'm sure we all are - but we don't post that on social media because we want to show the best version of ourselves.Social media. is a major factor in body image issues, even l can say that l've fallen victim to it.There's a constant pressure to be "perfect", whatever that is, and always look good.Don't compare yourself to the person that's posing infront of a camera. Remind yourself of what you are, who you are and what is real.