一句话瑜伽,第183期Sara:我醒来时已经感到疲倦和酸痛,然后听到这个消息,不想去我的班级。I woke up already tired andsore, and then heard the news, and did not want to go to my class.
但我去了。我挣扎着完成瑜伽动作,我想渡过我的不适和痛苦,情感和身体。但我发现自己在中途退出。But I did. I struggled through my sun salutations, and I wanted to push through my discomfort and pain, emotional and physical.butI caught myselfmidway through and backed off.
我的整个练习都是关于呼吸。投入,听从缓慢,稳定,有节奏的声音。I made the entire rest of my practice about my breath.dropping inand listening to the slow, steady,rhythmic sound.
放开任何对瑜伽体式的依恋,放飞自我,而不是惩罚自己,因为在这一切面前我感到有些无助。letting go of any attachment to my asana, letting go of ego, and not punishing myself for feeling somewhat helpless in the face of it all.
从某种程度上说,这不是一个“好”的练习,但从中的教训是坚持下去。不要让自己被打败,不要屈服于仇恨,不要屈服于那些不把人类生命和爱作为他们最高价值的人。It wasn't a'good' practice, by some measures, but the lesson from them at was to keep going.To not let myself be defeated, not give in to hate, notgive in tothose who don't place human life and love as their highest value.
我希望我能对拉斯维加斯的悲剧说一些明智的话。我希望我能散发出正能量和慈悲。I wish I had wise words about the tragedy in Vegas. I wish I couldexudepositivity and grace.
但有些时候,我们能做的最好的事情就是把一只脚放在另一只脚前,继续前进。but some days,the best thing we can do is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other and let ourselves feel.
我们可以倾听那些受害者,那些无法表达的人,我们可以感觉、思考、哀悼和前进,并且仍然找到连接我们和世界中所有善意的方法。We can listen to those affected, those who don have wise words to say, and we can feel and think andmournand process, and still find a way to connect to all the good that is in ourselves and the world.