一句话瑜伽,第186期Kerstin:似乎时间一直把我逼得很紧。It seems that times don't stop demanding all my nerves and discipline.
我发现事情一件接着一件,几乎没有喘息的时间。I find myself running from duty to duty and I barely find time to breathe.
当然瑜伽有很大的帮助——但有时我没有时间做我想做的练习。这次我不想得过且过,我要学会信任自己。Of course yoga helps a lot-but sometimes I don't even have time for my own practice. Since I don't want to just endure this time,waiting that it becomes easier, I learn to trust myself.
我必须用我所有的力量和意愿去做。只要做了,一切都会好起来的。I do what has to be done with all my powers and willing. As long as I just do it everything will be fine.
在我的练习中最重要的事情之一就是呼吸。One of the most important things in my practice is my breathe.
正是呼吸全程引导我运动,是呼吸在我身体中创造空间。It's the breathe that guides me through the movements.It's the breathe that creates space in my body.
主要是,呼吸使我平静下来。每次我分心时,我会集中精力,专注于呼吸。吸气——吸收新的能量。呼气——摆脱所有消极的想法。And mainly,it' s the breathe that calms my mind.Every time I get distracted I concentrate and focus on my breathe. Breathe in - soak up new energy. Breathe out -shake off all the negative thoughts.
你并不总是需要一个计划,有时你只需要呼吸。信任,放开。看看会发生什么。You don't always need a plan Sometimes you just need to Breathe. Trust.Let go. And see What happens.