一句话瑜伽,第165期Kerstin:舒适区——我们都在为之纠结。Comfort Zone - we all struggle with it.
一个总是安全的地方。我们喜欢在那里呆一段时间,追求舒服愉悦的感觉,甚至可以填补一些所需的能量。It's always a safe place.We like to stay there for a while for a cozy and pleasant feeling, maybe even to fill up some needed energies.
但是我们也知道长此以往我们不会快乐。But we also do know we' re not happy in that place forever.
我们都追求更多,达成目标,改变观点,放弃对我们毫无益处的事物。We all seek for more, reaching our goals, change our views, let go of things that are no good for us.
或者去寻找神奇的地球上我们垂涎已久的美丽。or seeing long desired beautiful places on this wonderful earths.
因此凭什么我们要让舒适和便利阻止我们寻找目标。So why should we let our comfort and convenience prevent us from seeking our goals.
这可不行。This is not possible.
因此,让我们更多地相信自己以及我们的力量,专注于我们的目标,摆脱舒适区。So lets believe more in ourselves and our strength, focus on our aims and get out of that comfortzone.
这可能是在瑜伽练习中最终试图掌控的一个体式,在生活中也是。This may be in the yoga practice trying to finally manage that one asana, but also in life.