一句话瑜伽,第166期Holly:在前一篇文章中,我被问到:你如何平衡你的时间和宝宝的时间?On a previous post I was asked :how do you balance time for you and time for the baby?
我花了一段时间来思考如何回答这个问题,因为我仍然在为自己解决问题。我认为平衡的想法是如此主观。It took me a while to think of how to answer this because I'm honestly still in the process of figuring it out for myself.I think The very idea of balance is so subjective.
亲子关系带来了一个重大的转变,我不知道如何自信地引导另一个人去回答问题。and parenthood brings such a monumental shift in priorities that I don't know how I could confidently guide another person to the answer.
就我个人而言,我喜欢和我的小女儿一起度过每一个时刻,但我的确仍然是一个喜欢孤独的人。Personally, I love every moment I get to spend with my little one, but I'm still someone who definitely enjoys her solitude.
从很多方面来说,我的个性是必须的。我发现我平衡个人欲望的最佳方法是保持心态的灵活性。In many ways my personality requiresit.I've found the best way I can navigate balancing my personal desires is to maintain a mindset of active flexibility.
坦诚面对自己在任何时候的感受,寻求帮助并不可耻。Being honest with myselfabout how I'm feeling in any given moment, not being afraid to ask for help.
面对亲子关系需要不间断的责任,我并没有完全忽视自己的心理健康。我知道我没有所有问题的答案,我知道我仍然在学习。and not to tally neglecting my own menta1 health in the face of the constant responsibility of motherhood. I know I don't have all the answers and I know I'm still learning as I go.
但我相信只要我继续保持对自己的耐心和坦诚,自然的平衡会用一种方式走进我的生活。but I believe that as long as I continue to stay in tuned and honest with myself a natural balance will find a way to settle into my life.