一句话瑜伽,第159期Mallory(舞者):爱你的身体。这是一段漫长而漫长的旅程。Love Your Body.It’s been a long, long journey.
我被告知,我的生活是一场残酷的战争。Truth be told, the hardest battle of my Life.
3岁时的第一双芭蕾舞鞋,外表在我的世界里总是摆在第一位。First ballet shoes at 3 years old, body image has always been a predominant element in my World.
几分钟,几小时,几天,几年,我的整个人生都在训练。Minutes, hours, days, years, an entire Lifetime I have trained.
舞者,啦啦队,体操,瑜珈遇见赛跑。Dancer, Cheer, Gymnast Spinner, Yogi meets RUN.
无论我被告知,太胖,太大只,她“吃太多碳水化合物”,外表只是我虚幻的朋友。Whether I’m told, too fat, too big, she “eats too many carbs”, body image is an ILLUSION my friends.
因为不管你有多努力,唯一重要是你的视角。because no matter how hard you work the only perspective that matters is yours.
我一直是个舞者。我可以,只要我呼吸生命。I’ve ALWAYS been an dancer. Capable. As long as I breathe Life.