一句话瑜伽,第152期瑜伽妈妈Kenzie:填空:自从开始瑜伽,我______。Fill in the blank: Since starting Yoga,I______.
对我来说,总结了一大堆— 自从开始瑜伽以来,我看到了人们的不同,包括我自己。For me, in one line that sums a lot up- Since starting Yoga,I see people differently, including myself.
我不再一竿子打死一个人。现在我想了解他们。我的生活从来没有比现在更加自信。我不再攀比。I'm much, much slower to judge people. Now i want to know them.I've never been more confident in my life than I am now. I don't compare myself anymore.
我不嫉妒 - 相反,我庆祝其他人的成功,出生或工作。I'm not jealous- instead,I celebrate other's successes, born or worked for.
我知道人们可以过着不同的生活,仍然是相亲相爱的朋友。I've learned that people can live different lifestyles and still be friends that inspire and love each other.
我已经学会了接受赞美,道谢,为我的成就感到自豪,然后转身告诉别人他们也行。I've learned to accept compliments, say thank you, be proud of what I've accomplished, and turn around and tell someone they can do the same.
从瑜伽开始,我学会为了更好而战,为家庭,上帝,国家和真实的自己。敌强我更强。Since starting Yoga, I've learned that my purposeis to fight for good, defend the family, my God, country, and be myself - unfiltered. The adversary is strong, but we were created stronger.
我想重新定义为人母的意义 -有了孩子你依旧可以做自己,爱你,你为自己内外兼修感到自豪。I want to redefine what it means to be a mom - that u can have kids and STILL be the person you want to be, love to be, the person you re proud of being, on the inside, and the outside too.
与其将母亲视为一种牺牲,我更多地将它视为时间的轻重缓急。Instead of motherhood being such as sacrifice , I view it more as a juggle of time and priorities.
自从开始瑜伽以来,我现在比以往任何时候都更加相信,任何事情都是可能的,梦想就在当下。Since starting Yoga I believe now more than ever that anything is possible and the only right time to follow your dreams IS.NOW.