一句话瑜伽,第137期Rebecca: 在这个世界上你是如何定义你的意义?How do you define your significance in this world?
是你的人际关系,或者别人如何看待你?Your relationships, or how other people view you?
是通过你的事业还是你的成就? Is it through your career or your achievements?
外部肯定或是社交媒体上的点赞数量?Outside validation or the number of likes on a social post?
彼此彼此…我也是!We all do this... I do this!!
我花了很多时间深思,让自己去伪存真。I have been spending a lot of time in deep thought, peeling back the outer layers of my existence.
事实上,成功和幸福的表面背后,还有如此多的人经历着悲伤、沮丧、焦虑以及其他负面情绪。The fact is, behind a facade of success and happiness that so many people present exists sadness, depression, anxiety and host of other negative emotions.
即便这样…真实和真诚的幸福还是存在——你只需弄清楚是什么支撑着你。But you know what.. there also exists true and sincere happiness - you just have to figure out what makes you tick.