一句话瑜伽,第86期Gini:每天晚上,我都会在这个丛林里醒来。Every night,I wake up in this jungle.
我走着爬着,有人在跟踪我。I'm walking and climbing with someone following me,
像似有人在追杀我。like someone's hunting me.
我回头看到一只狼。I turn back and see a wolf.
我并没有跑,我走向它。Instead of running for my life,I walk towards that wolf.
我心里有个声音,让我往另一边逃走。The vioces inside me head keep telling me to run in the opposite direction,
但是我只想走向我的掠食者,看看它的眼睛。but all I want to do is walk towards my predator,to look in those eyes.
摸着它的一刻我呆住了。touch that predator and just be there in that moment.
有一种鲁莽又危险的东西,跑进了我的血液。There's something running in my blood to do something reckless and dangerous.
我拥有了老虎的野心,猎豹的速度,狮子的心脏。Have the will ambition of a tiger,the speed of a cheetah and heart of a lion.