一句话瑜伽,第89期瑜伽达人Ali:你想知道一个小秘密吗?You want to know a little secret?
假如你想挑战瑜伽动作,不管什么姿势,你需要做一件事情。If you really want to challenge you asana,no matter what the pose,there is one thing you can do.
让能量与力量充满你身体的每个部分Have energy and strength in literally every single part of your body.
你无须总是尝试新招式。You don't always need to be in a funny new shape.
用普通的姿势然后审视你身体的每个部分。Do the "normal”posture and then scan through every part of your body.
你的头在哪里,你在看哪里?Where is your head in space.where is you gaze?
你肩膀的力量是否通过耳朵传开来?Do you shoulders have energy in them,pulling them away from your ears?
这种感觉一直往下至你的脚趾,你能感觉到力量蔓延至你的每个脚趾吗?And take that scan all the way down to your toes,can you feel the energy going all the way down to each little toe?
你应该感觉到了每块肌肉,都奋力的在支撑。You should feel every muscle in your body working hard to hold you in space.
我的朋友们都在用我喜欢的方式,挑战我的瑜伽动作。And that my friends is always my favorite way to challenge my asana.