一句话瑜伽,第71期Josey:我的十条瑜伽心事。It is been quite a few thousand followers since I last did an about me! So here is ten Yoga facts of me.
1,弗罗里达那不勒斯,是我生活一辈子的地方。我从未厌倦这里的海滩,日落,海豚,海牛和水鸟。1. I have lived almost my entire life in Naples,Florida but never get tired of beach,sunsets,dolphins,manatees and water birds.
2,我喜爱所有的艺术,我的书桌有很大的空间来收藏关于自己的雕刻品。2.I love all mediums of art and I have my own intaglio printing press that takes up the space of a large desk.
3,是的,我喜欢瑜伽,我喜欢我自己的照片,不然我为什么要展示它们。3.Yes,I really love yoga and yes,I like my own pics If I did not really lke them why would I have posted them?
4,我已经吃素两年半,所处环境以及动物不利于我们的健康和饮食。4,I have been vegan for 2.5years ,for the animals and the environment not really for health or diet.
5,我的饮食并不规律,我也懒得去煮,但是其实我是烹饪高手。5.I am the most lazy cook ever even though I am pretty good at it.I do not really cook.I snack.I don't eat normal meals very often.
6,整理凌乱的东西,我并没有耐心,虽然我喜欢井井有条。6.I am super messy but I love organizing stuff .It just never stays that way long.
7,过去的五年,我只剪过三次头发。7.I have trimmed my hair probably 3 times in the last 5 years.
8,弗罗里达,是一个能让我赤脚生活的地方。8.I love to go barefoot.Living in Florida means I can get away with it more than most places!