时间在变。Times are changing.
关系在变。Relationships are changing.
世界在变,但是安静的感觉总是一样。The world is changing but the experience of silence is alway the same.
我们可以完全信任安静。The qualitt of the silence is something we can fully trust.
安静可以使我们回到本我和真我。Something that constantly is guiding us back to ourselves.to our true beings.
恕我直言,这很不容易,我们手头的东西却有着致命的吸引力。It hard to say,cause this thing in my hang is sooo crazy addictive
尝试着先关掉手机吧,每天安静几许,和自己相处。Let's try to prioritise to turn off the phone and just be with ourselves in silence some moments everyday,everyday.