每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。 Each man is the architect of his own fate.
打造自己的梦想,否则你就会被雇用打造别人的梦想。 Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
训练自己,去找每件事情的喜悦在哪里。 Train yourself to find the blessing in everything.
答应自己,强大起来,那样就没有什么事能扰乱你平静的心灵。 Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
所有人都想得到幸福,不愿承担痛苦,但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹? Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain.
Good Night
如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光! If you see a shadow in front of you, don’t be afraid. It’s because there is sunshine upon your back.
跨出你的舒适圈,感受这个世界。 Step out of your comfort zone, and experience the world.
不必为别人说的话想太多,因为有的时候,他们没有说出的话更重要。 You don’t have to worry about what people say, because sometimes it’s what they didn’t say that really matters.