一句话瑜伽,第341期Vanessa:我喜欢尝试新的瑜伽变式,即使它们不是“传统”瑜伽练习的一部分。I love experimenting with new variations,even if they aren't part of the "traditional" yoga practice.
世界上以及网络上有很多人,对”创造出你自己的特色”这句话很有偏见。There are a lot of people on the internet and in the world who will have negative things to say about creating your own shapes.
她们的偏见,欣许是因为缺乏想象力在找存在感。But maybe those people are lacking a little imagination.
我有个自作聪明的朋友,他认为我的观点是“语出惊人”的。My friend who was one of those smarty pants, know it all geniuses once got upset at this discussion we were having.
我解释说,小小地打破常规以及创造力,是无伤大雅的。我还告诉他:“想象力比学识来得更加重要。”I was explaining that a little creativity and breaking out of the mold never hurt anyone.and I told him this:"lmagination is more important than knowledge."
他生气了地说,只有愚蠢的人才会这么说。显然他并不知道这是一句名言,这是来自爱因斯坦说过的一句话,他一点也不蠢。He flipped out, saying only an idiot would say something like that. Little did he know it's a famous quote, and one of my faves by Albert Einstein. Who surely is not an idiot.
你需要了解好你的瑜伽基础,练习好那些传统的瑜伽姿势。Know your yoga foundations, practice the good'ol classic postures.
但同时,不要抗拒去体验以及变化出只属于你的瑜伽姿势。But also, don't be afraid to experiment and get creative with poses that feel awesome for you.
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿