一句话瑜伽,第340期Emily:我直面所有,并且都会从中学习经验。I accept what is in front of me and learn from every experience.
我也有今天!几乎整个2019年,我都在疲于应对不太理想的环境。Hello, it's me. l've been dealing with less than ideal circumstances pretty much the entirety of 2019 which has been extremely stressful.
面对、克服并且从逆境中学习,是重要的。但是,我认为同样也重要的是——看到处境中好的一面。lt's important to accept what is and get through and learn from it,but I think it's equally important to accept the positives in my situation too.
我是一个追求平衡的人,我不想盲目的乐观,我要稳稳地。It's a balance. I never want to get through any stage in my life under the assumption the next one will be better.
因为明天不一定会更好,因为生命是如此珍贵,就因为一些不如意,就放任自流了一些生命,是要不得的。because it may not be, and because life is so precious that it'd be a waste to want to rush through a part of it just because it's not living up to my expectations.
今年,到目前为止,我的经验就是不管好坏都要去面对。My lesson so far this year has been to accept the good and the bad.
弄清楚目前的处境中,我到底要什么。figure out what I want to take away from my current situation.
让我的选择“去伪存真”。figure out what choices I would repeat and ones that I wouldn't.
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿