一句话瑜伽,第339期Caroline:“我能做些什么让事情变得更好?让这个世界更好一点点?我要怎么才能奉献?”MAKE IT BETTER/ "What could I do to make it better?To make this world a tiny bit better? How could I contribute?"
10年前这些确实是我纠结的问题,那时我正要决定去学哪门课。That is literally the questions I asked myself 10 years ago when I was deciding on which studies to follow.
我努力学习多种课程,就此,我抱着能激励别人的心情,前往了中国。I studied very hard, then head to China with the hope of having an impact.
5年前,我也问过自己同样的问题,当时我觉得自己,在追求让世界变得更好一些的过程中,迷茫了。5 years ago I asked myself the same question, at a time I felt I got lost in that pursue of making the world a tiny bit better.
这是我为何选择瑜伽以及瑜伽教学的心路历程。然而现在,我觉得我又开始纠结同样的问题了。That is how I got to follow the path of yoga and started teaching yoga. And now I feel I am being dragged again to that same question.
我真心觉得明天充满了变数,但是我知道,不变的会是我当初的承诺。I don't really know what tomorrow is made of but I know the commitment will remain whatever the form it will take.
你会扪心自问这个问题吗?关于变好,你的答案是什么?你是怎么积极应对周围的一切的?Have you been yourself asking this question? What has been your answer? How do you contribute to improve whatever is around you?
天无绝人之路,我很想从你那里得到些关于激励的承诺。There are so many ways to do so, and i'd love to get some inspiration from you.
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿