一句话瑜伽,第338期Caroline:当我浏览我的瑜伽书籍时,我读到了朱迪丝·汉森·拉萨特在《尚活瑜伽》一书中的这句话。As I skim through my yoga books I read this line from Judith Hanson Lasater in "Living your yoga".
“正是因为生活中本质的微小细节,你才能领悟什么是尚活瑜伽。”"it is in the nitty gritty details of your life that you live your yoga".
真的耶!瑜伽展示的并非浮夸的大动作,而是小动作,而这,正是存在于这些生活的细节中。Oh dear yes it is!It is pretty much in those essential details that are not grand gestures but rather small litle things that yoga is at play.
首先也是最重要的,我相信瑜伽动作会出现在你非常熟悉的地方——吃饭、逛街、和邻居打招呼的等等。First and foremost I do believe it plays in very familiar situations (eating your meals, walking down the streets, hailing neighbors.
瑜伽不一定要你成为某种信徒,它不会要求你改变你的一生,而是在最意想不到的时刻改变了细节。Yoga isn't necessarily about becoming a monk of some sort, it won't ask you to change your whole life but rather shift the details in the most unexpected moments.
如果你熟悉“戒制”和“内制",你可以把它们应用到你生活中最常见的情况中。If you're familiar with the yamas and niyamas you can play around with this idea of applying them to the most common situation of your life.
非暴力,真实,满足,思想的净化,语言的净化等等…non violence, truthfulness, contentment,cleanliness in thoughts, in words.