一句话瑜伽,第334期Meaghan:有时候我脑子里想的实在太多了,尤其是在友情方面。Sometimes I can get way too much in my head.Especially when it comes to friendships.
我一直认为人们不喜欢我,或者我又做错了什么。l'm constantly thinking people don't like me, or that I've done something wrong.
此后我都是拒人于千里之外,觉得别人不喜欢我,不再想和我相处。I tend to push people away after a few years because I honestly feel like they're probably sick of me and don't want to deal with me anymore.
这个月我要让自己知道,不是什么东西都是我的错。我之所以要让自己知道,因为这种莫名地负罪感又来了。One of my intentions for this month is that it's not always about me.And I need that as an intention because I already feel those feelings creep in.
如果有人对我惜字如金,是她们讨厌我;如果她们不给我打电话,是她们讨厌我。If someone is short with me, they hate me. They didn't call me, they hate me.
我有时候会主动消失,是因为我觉得我做错了。有时候我想摇醒我自己——别这样。I avoid people sometimes because i feel like I've done something wrong.And sometimes I just want to shake myself and say MEAGHAN STOP!
事实上,我当然知道每个人都有自己的事要做,人们不会多我所说的话或者所做的事,进行过多的解读。Realistically of course I know everyone has things going on. Realistically I know people aren't constantly thinking about the words l've said or the things I do as much as I am.
琢磨来琢磨去,悔不该哪里做错了,哪里需要改进,担心,疑惑,不放过自己。Playing them over and over. Wondering where I went wrong, wondering if I didn't connect as much as I should have.Worrying, wondering, and not just being ok with who I am.
所以这就是我这个月要做的,倘然地做自己。明白人无完人,相信人们爱我,没放弃我,无论是什么。So that's what I'm working on this month.Being ok with being me.Knowing that everyone has their own shit. And trusting that the people who love me, will be there for me, no matter what.