走近百大冠军第290期Tiff(IFBB Pro):如果你还不知道蒂芙是谁,那真是亏大了。她是我们这个健美类别(健身),善良又可爱的侠女。If you don't know Tiff then you're missing out. Such a genuinely kind, sweet and chivalrous ambassador for our division.
在第一次赢得波多黎各职业比赛后,她顺利拿到了奥林匹亚的首张入场券。This is her FIRST Olympia which came as a result of a FIRST Pro win at the Puerto Rico Pro.
她为了拿到这个冠军,已经忍辱负重了多年,期间她收获了人生中最大的喜悦——成为一个小可人儿的妈妈。She's been climbing the ranks for years while enduring and overcoming injuries, surgeries and experience one of the greatest joys in her life ~ Motherhood with her sweet baby girl Stallings.
她是我们的榜样,只要你锲而不舍,你就会梦想成真。She's the example so many of us need that your dreams can and will become a reality as long as you stay focused.
她本可以开始相夫教子,好好养伤。With her injuries and then taking time to start her family she could've easily hung up the heels.
但这并不是她想要的,在生完小女孩后,她立刻回到舞台,年复一年地拼给大家看。but that wasn't what she wanted and she got back on stage soon after her lil' girl was born and she has continued to impress each and every year.
不要错过她今年的比赛,因为我向你保证,她在舞台上会旋转起飞,她所展示的能量会让你欲罢不能。Don't miss her routine this year bc I can guarantee you it will be filed with high flying tumbling passes, energy and facials that will keep you wanting more and sass that most certainly will impress.
蒂芙,我等不及去感受你的首次奥林匹亚表演。接下来的比赛,你是猛虎出笼。Tiff I cannot wait for you to experience your first Olympia. The skies the limit girl and you sure deliver each show.
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿