走近百大冠军第289期Theresa Ivancik(IFBB Pro):有些女人迷失在火海,另一些则是浴火重生。Some women get lost in the fire,others are born from it.
我目光如炬。My Eyes Forward.
我全神贯注。My Mind Focused.
我蓄势待发。My Heart Ready.
弱肉强食。Game on World.
去攀登更高的山峰!拒绝安乐!Always find a bigger mountain to climb!Don't get comfortable!
通过实现目标,你所成为的,比你所得到的来得更加重要。What you get by achieving your goals…… is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals!
女人别怕,学我喷火!Some women fear the fire……Some women simply become it!
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿