小鱼寄语:她虽然出身在巴西的一个偏远山村,但她表示自己敢于梦想,一直以”相信自己的梦想“为座右铭。自信的她拿到了12次职业冠军,其中两次便是奥林匹亚比基尼冠军。Angelica Teixeira绝对能称得上是目前比基尼类别中,代表性的人物。也许冠军头衔有朝一日不复存在,但人们对她的喜爱、以及她追求梦想的精神,令她更加闪亮。
走近百大冠军第288期Angelica Teixeira(IFBB Bkini Pro):我总是认为,人会“高处不胜寒”,人们会想看你走下坡,并且等待下一位冠军的到来。I always thought that when you're on top for a long time people would start to want to see you fall and see a new champion coming.
好在,这只是我的多虑。有如此多的人支持我告诉我,我所诠释的比基尼健美类别是集万千喜爱的。But I have been experiencing the opposite. I have so many people showing me their support and telling me how much they love the way I represent the Bikini Division.
这就是给我力量的东西,这让我更加努力地为这个头衔而奋斗。This is what gives me power, this makes me stronger to fight harder to keep this title.
我想感谢今年我私底下见到的每个人,亦或是在社交媒体上和我联系的每个人。I want to thank everyone that I met in person this year or is in contact with me here on social media.
当你告诉我你在为我欢呼时,你点燃了我内心的火,让我想起为什么我要这么做。When you tell me that you are cheering for me you lit a fire inside of me to remind me why I'm doing this.
来之不易,但有谁喜欢得来容易?It won't be easy, but who likes easy?
我必须为我生命中的一切而奋斗,这次也一样。I had to fight for everything in my life and this won't be different.
艰苦的战争造就了伟大的战士!A tough war makes a great warrior!
BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿