小鱼寄语:赛季过后有些选手会陷入情绪的萧条,是一蹶不振还是重整旗鼓?健体选手Helen Davis在失眠的凌晨两点半,走进健身房,用行动向我们展示,她对健美的赤子之心不会变。
走近百大冠军第280期Helen Davis(NPC WPD):比赛季之后的时间,有点像产后抑郁以及季节性抑郁,夹杂着对身材变形的恐惧以及难过。Post-competition season is kinda like a mix of postpartum and seasonal depression,body dysmorphia and a little bit of grief.
有一些未知因素的组合,好比莫名其妙的荷尔蒙变化,而且没有人可以帮到你。There's a combination of unknown factors as well as things like major hormonal shifts coming off a cut and there's really nothing anyone can say to get you through the process.
也许是我矫情,但是我以及尽力调整了。Maybe I'm just a weirdo but I've got an adjustment period for who-knows-how-long.
说实话,有一些禁忌话题是很多(不是所有)健美选手,不愿意去谈论的。Maybe I'm just honest that there are some taboo subjects that many (not all) bodybuilders aren't ready to discuss.
我今天仍然在微笑,但现在是凌晨2:30。在失眠的日子里挣扎时,我仍在寻找光明。So I'm smiling today still but this is 2:30am and.I'm trying to find the bright side struggling through days of insomnia.
当我的身体再次尝试找到它的平衡时,我努力通过运动来提醒我的身体应该如何运作。As mybody tries to find its homeostasis again,I'm fighting to remind my body how it's supposed to function by going through the motions.
我仍提醒自己,做一个”真心英雄“。I'm reminding my mind that greatness is still inside me.