走近百大冠军第279期Sharelle Grant(WBFF BIKINI PRO):如果我能回到16岁的时候。If I could go back to my former 16-year-old-emo-self.
我会告诉自己别那么“机车”。I would tell her to stop being a bitch.
我会告诉她在学校要认真听课,多念书,不要沉迷拉直头发,不要那么在意自己的颜值!I would tell her to listen in class, study more, to put the hair straightener down and stop caring about how she looks at school!
我会告诉她接受别人的不同,别没事找事。I would tell her to accept people for who they are and to leave all the shit drama behind.
我会更享受和朋友们的课间休息时间,不再为分数而感到压力。I would have enjoyed recess with my friends more and stopped stressing over insignificant grades.
我会告诉校车司机“狗带”(因为他是个猥琐男),我很感激所有的老师为我付出了那么多。I would have also told my bus driver to get fucked (because he was a wanker) and really appreciated all the teachers who gave me more time then I deserved.
我会享受每一刻,因为生活很简单。I would have enjoyed every moment because life was simple.