小鱼寄语:Donna Murphy作为一名IFBB职业健体选手,舞台上的她展示形体之美,舞台下的她展示生活之美,并且跃然纸上。健美、画画、家人、舞蹈,这些都是她快乐的源泉。她的人生因此蠢蠢欲动,生机盎然。
走近百大冠军第276期Donna Murphy(IFBB WPD PRO):你经常感到疲倦,不是因为你做了很多,而是你做了很多违心的事情。是什么让我蠢蠢欲动?You often feel tired not because you've done too much, but because you 've done too little of what sparks a light in you.What sparks the light in me?
没有训练我就活不下去,我喜欢动起来!I can't live without training,I love being active!
画画让我乐此不疲,我擅长创造艺术。人体,绘画,化妆。I forever have a burning desire to draw.Creating art is what I do best.physiques,drawings,make up。
我喜欢经常去户外,新鲜的空气,漫步乡野,海滩。置身大自然以及来一次冒险,我会快乐到极点。I have to get out in the outdoors A LOT.Fresh air,country walks, the beach, I'm happiest when on an adventure and in nature.
家人,我自鸣得意,知道他们以我为傲的感觉很酷。Family, I'm proud of mine and the feeling of knowing they are proud of me is pretty cool.
跳舞,如果你认识我,你知道我无舞不欢!Dancing,if you know me you know how much I need to dance!
我很庆幸自己可以做这些。因为生活和备赛让我忽视了一些激情,我正挤出空间为自己而活。I'm lucky I can do all the above.I've neglected a few of my passions as life and prep gets full on but I'm making room to squeeze more into my world.
我很好奇,让你蠢蠢欲动的会是什么?I'm curious what sparks a light in people. What is it for you?