小鱼寄鱼:作为两届奥林匹亚气质形体冠军Cyd Gillon,是什么让她能在赛后,毫无压力的大饱口福?欺骗餐分量比普通人的要大很多?赛后的自律兴许比备赛的时更难,但是Cyd Gillon已经可以信手拈来。2018年奥赛结束后五周的她,依然神采飞扬。
走近百大冠军第275期Cyd Gillon(IFBB FIGURE PRO):赛后的自律兴许比备赛的时更难。Post show discipline can be even harder than prep itself.
当我第一次比赛结束后的至少三个星期,我看起来像怀了三个月的身孕。当时我没有自控力,也不在乎。When I first started competing I would look 3 mths pregnant for at least 3 weeks after a show.I had zero self control and didn't care at the time.
随着目标改变,当我学会了怎样才能实现我的目标时,我的心态也改变了。As my goals changed and I learned what it would take to accomplish my goals,my mindset changed.
经过多年的实践,我终于掌握了它。我仍然感激我的旧方式,因为让我大饱口福。Through years of practice I finally have mastered it.I'm still thankful for my old ways because It was delicious.
但更重要的是,它最终教会了我的身体如何分解大量各种各样的食物。but more importantly it ended up teaching my body how to break down large amounts of food of all sorts.
我认为这是我比普通人在吃一顿欺骗餐饮,或者一天的欺骗餐时吃的更多,能不受影响的主要原因。I think that's the prime reason I can eat more than the average person does for a cheat meal or cheat day without repercussions.
对于新的选手,我认为始终把目标牢记于心是很重要的。但是如果你的身体能处理好的话,赛后的美食你可以的。For new competitors I do think it's important to always keep your goals in mind.but definitely have the foods you want post show if your body can handle it.
只需观察你的感觉,看看赛后这些是不是你想要的。每个人都是不同的,所以要找对你和你的目标有效的方式。Just observe how you feel and decide if you want to feel that way after every show.Everyone is different so find out what works for you and your goals.