小鱼寄语:当新年的钟声已经敲响,作为一名颇具实力的女子健美选手,一年来,Jacqueline Fuchs带着她惊人的肌肉,穿过了所有崇山峻岭。作为屈指可数并且竞争激烈的女子健美舞台——2018年Wings Of Strength(力量之翼)的舞台上,怎么能少了她的身影。她是如此感激力量之翼,为她提供这么专业的舞台来展示自己,当她的肌肉安上力量之翼的翅膀,在Rising Phoenix Arizona杯上最终排名11的她交出了亮眼的成绩单。她想对自己在2018年的表现,做一个总结,让我们一起看看她说了些什么。
走近百大冠军第266期Jacqueline Fuchs(IFBB PRO):这是2018年的一个小小的总结,代表了我一年来的感想。A small excerpt from my preparation 2018.It was for me a year of knowledge.
我从自己身上学到了很多东西。假如你知道什么事情是对的,并且做你想做的,那么这就是纯粹的动机。I learned a lot about myself.It's pure motivation if you know you did the right thing and a lot of what you want to do.
但有一件事是我为之骄傲的,我的身体没有一天掉链子。我带着“他”穿过所有崇山峻岭。But I am proud of one thing.There was no day where my body showed weakness.I led him through all the valleys of renunciation.
我的注意力仅仅是去享受每一秒的快乐,每个人都知道,不是每一天都充满着快乐。及时行乐。My focus was simply to enjoy every second with joy And everybody knows for himself,not every day is pure pleasure.In these moments.
作为一名优秀运动员,所经历的最糟糕和最艰难的时光,我都记得。I remember my worst and hardest times in my time as a fight athlete.
如果你放弃或者示弱,那么等待你的会是一蹶不振。There giving up or showing weakness would have been fatal ko or severe injuries could be the result.
为了在大型舞台上完美呈现,我要确保万无一失。让我忘记饥饿、抽筋、疼痛、疲劳。The certainty to show my work without broken bones on a big stage let me forget hunger,cramps pain fatigue.
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这个梦想,好比我仰慕的lenda murray,她传递着能量以及一种信息,做好自己就能感染别人。The dream like one of my greatest role models ever lenda murray to transport energy and a message and amaze people or simply try to give my best in perfection.
名副其实的“力量之翼”(舞台),它给了我翅膀。It gave me wings wingsofstrength In the truest sense of the word.