小鱼寄语:当生活中的难题就像翻滚的海浪,接连不断,有很多人会败下阵来;当生活中的难题像一个个巨大的石头,向你滚来。有很多人会选择“知难而上”。当局者迷,如何更加智慧地面对人生难题,面对自己犯下的错误,瑜伽达人Riva ann给出了不同的答案:也许你无力改变,但是你有选择的机会。
一句话瑜伽,第324期Riva ann:生活就是翻滚的海浪,你可以学会驾驭它或者全身而退。Life is a series of waves in which we can either learn to ride or learn not to drown.
我们有能力选择如何去应对,我们可以放弃或者适应并且每次都能优雅地站起来。We have the ability to choose how we act or react,we can give up or we can adapt and rise with grace every time we fall.
认清生活中,你在哪里被海浪打倒的。recognize where in your life you' re letting the waves crash down on you.
如果你发现自己处于这里,你需要潜下去并且稳定好自己,等待下次的尝试。If you find yourself here,all you need to do is dive under them and position yourself for the next set to try a different approach.
有时候,在这一刻,我们除了被生命的海浪打倒之外,别无选择,但请记住,你总是有一个选择和一个能力去做任何你决心做的事情!Sometimes in the moment we don 't see any other option than to be pummeled by life's waves but remember you always have a choice and an ability to do anything you set your mind to!