Macey:职业卡,让我心痒痒。Runner up to the IFBB Pro Card.It lights fire deep inside me.
走近百大冠军第257期Macey Toney(WPD):我人生的大部分时间,都在寻求被别人认同或者欣赏。I spent most of my life looking to get approval or to be appreciated.
我悬崖勒马,开始爱自己。我失去过一次自己……我再也不会失去她了。I stopped and started loving myself.I lost myself once..I'll never lose her again.
音乐一直陪伴着我……但在过去的几年里,我开始倾听周围的事物并享受平和。Music has always been there for me... but within the past few years I have started to just listen to my surroundings and enjoy peace.
我出去散步,呼吸一下空气,听听周围的声音,让自己沉浸在当下。I go for walks and just breathe the air,listen to what's around me and put myself in the now.
有时打消你的杂念,会非常有帮助。Turning off your mind at times can be extremely helpful.
这不容易。。但是你可以像训练身体一样,来训练你的心灵。It's not easy.. but you can train the mind just like the body. .
我们都有需要改进的地方,而我正在处理一切我认为错误的事情。We all have areas of improvement and I'm working on everything thatI see wrong.
我不会被阻止,我不会放弃!我知道必须做什么。I will not be stopped and I will not ever give up!I know what must be done.