一句话瑜伽,第322期Jenna Jensen:感谢这具身体。我已经让这个身体饱经风霜,事到如今,我对它的期望仍然很高。Grateful for this body.I've put this body through so much.Even still I have such high expectations for it.
我希望我的身体,在每天睡眠不足6个小时的情况下运转。I expect my body to operate on less than 6 hours of sleep on the regular.
我希望我的身体,能在我忘记计划和准备食物,而导致我仅靠一包花生酱和草莓生存的那些日子里运作。I expect my body to function on days where I forget to plan and prep my food which leads me to surviving on packs of peanut butter and strawberries.
我一天又一天地透支我的身体,忘记了休息的意义。I 'm physically demanding on my body day to day and forget the meaning of rest.
可是我的身体还在继续。于是乎像今天这样的日子,我感觉自己像个僵尸,只是举起手臂就把我累坏了。Yet my body keeps going.And then there are days like today where I feel like a zombie,just lifting my arms exhaust me.
眼睛干涩,难以睁开。臀部疼痛,鼻塞,头晕。Dry eyes that are troubled to stay open.Hip pain,stuffy nose,foggy brain.
这些就是给我提示了,提醒身体提醒我慢下来,休息和照顾它。These are my cues, alerts that my body is giving me to slow down.To rest and to take care of it.
但是,我的身体很争气。它富有弹性,适应能力强,强壮,美丽,有能力。为此我很感激。But still,my body isn't failing me.It 's resilient,adaptable,strong,beautiful,and capable of so much.For all of this, I am grateful.