小鱼寄语:健美选手Wendy Fortino在2011年转职之后,花了整整三年时间才获得资格登上奥赛,如今已经是她连续四年第四次参加奥赛。赛前Wendy这样说道:“这次奥赛对我的意义,以往任何一次都大,我为此付出了太多。”然而她跌出了十强。赛后她内心五味杂陈。为了抑制住自己的得失心,她用钟摆比喻人生的难题,她用储蓄罐比喻自己对健美的投入,颇有‘柳暗花明又一村’和‘千金散尽还复来’的豁达与自信。让我们看看她说了什么。
走近百大冠军第252期Wendy Fortino(IFBB FIGURE PRO):我认为,当我们处于生命钟摆的“下摆”时(在它回摆之前),产生如此多的情感、激情和渴望一定是我们的天性。I think that it must be in our nature to generate so much emotion, passion and desire when we are on the "downswing" of the pendulumof life (before it swings back up).
我喜欢这个奇趣的时刻,届时,面前有太多的东西需要我们去抓住,而这么多的东西依赖于我们目前的行动和承诺。I love the fantastical times in which there is so much in front of us to grab; with so much of it relying on our current actions and commitment.
另一方面,当我们四面楚歌,可以说,我们会变得不知所措,或者有时生活会给我们出难题。On the flip side, when we are "in the trenches", so to speak, we can become overwhelmed, or sometimes life has a way of throwing a curve ball at us.
当这种情况发生时,当钟摆正在下摆,回到把时间花在我们的目标上……When that happens, it goes back to the time that we spent on our goals when the pendulum was down...
我也喜欢把它看成是我们存入储蓄罐的钱。我们存钱,存钱,再存钱……I also like to look at it as money we put into our"piggy banks". We save, and we save, and we save..
直到我们需要开始支出我们的存款。如果我遇到一种情况,想用钱却口袋空空,那就是我们要反思为什么没有存款的时候。Until we need to start "cashing out" our savings. If we encounter a time in which we need to "cash out" without making any deposits, that is when we reflect upon the savings we have made.
唯一需要担心的是掏空储蓄罐的时候……但也说明你又要开始存钱了。The only time to worry is when the piggy bank runs dry... But THAT is the time to start saving again.
自然地,一旦我们选择了“卷土重来”,我们就开启了不可阻挡模式。And naturally, once we "reset", we find this powerful fire from within that feels unstoppable.
我们开始幻想未知、可能性,或许还有一些不切实际的愿景。We begin to fantasize about the unknown, the possibilities, and perhaps some visions that may be unrealistic.
但是,还有什么时候比我们致力于“投入”时更适合梦想和幻想的呢?But what better time to dream and fantasize than the time we are dedicating to "investing"?