小鱼寄语:Hattie Boydle作为WBFF健身小姐前冠军,她在2018年WBFF比赛中屈居第二。但她号召大家不要佯装“谦虚”,要秀出成果,不要看不起自己即便很小的进步。她这样说道:“我珍惜每个小小的胜利,因为我知道这来之不易。”这种以退为进的心态真是难能可贵。是的,不积跬步,无以至千里。不积小流,无以成江海。在2018年WBFF舞台上,她表示最欣慰的事情就是能让世界看到她的正能量,她会快速翻过这次的胜利,去迎接2019的比赛。
走近百大冠军第249期Hattie Boydle(WBFF PRO):这次备赛是一次突破自我的旅行。Comp prep is a journey within yourself to push your own boundaries.
这些年来,在备赛的过程中,我学会培养一种非常强烈的感激之情,而不是专注在结果上。 这是经过长年累月的努力,才换来的舞台呈现。Over the years I have learnt to develop a very strong appreciation for the journey of comp prep without the focus just being at the end.The work is done in the years and months in the lead upto the show.
我珍惜每个小小的胜利,因为我知道这来之不易。I take every small win, because I knew the effort and work it took to get there.
最可悲的事情之一,就是人们看不起微小的进步。One of the saddest things to see is when people do not appreciate any change.
“还差得远呢。”如果你像这样无视这些小的改变,那么你就配不上那些大的改变。It's always not good enough.If you cannot appreciate the small changes then you do not deserve the big ones.
正是这些小小的拼图汇聚成大图。一个绘画大师,不知疲倦地一遍又一遍地皴染,来完成她的杰作。It's the small pieces of the puzzle that accumulate into the big picture.A master painter works tirelessly on small multiples strokes over and over and over again to create his masterpiece.
塑造身体也是如此。在艰苦的工作中找到成就感,欣赏你的努力。把挑战看成是克服困难以及成长的一种方式。Your body is no different.Find fulfilment in hard work and appreciate effort. See a challenge as a way to overcome and grow.
一步一脚印,胜利便近在咫尺。It's not always about the win, but the wins you create for yourself along the way.