一句话瑜伽,第320期Cathy Madeo:你过着你真正想要的生活吗?我知道我不是。Are you living the life you truly desire? I know I wasn't.
大约6年前,我在某个地方拐错了弯,结果非常痛苦,将近六个月的时间我每天以泪洗面。I took a wrong turn somewhere about 6 years ago and ended up so miserable I would cry almost everyday for nearly 6 months.
有些人可能称之为抑郁,但在内心深处,我知道我并没有过上最好的生活,我的每个毛孔都在哭诉。Some people might call that depression,but deep down I knew that I was not living my best life and every fiber of my being was letting me know.
我是如何改变我的生活的?这不容易,它需要问自己一些重要的人生问题,而答案几乎把我吓坏了。How did I make the switch to living a life I Iove?It wasn't easy and it required asking myself some big life questions and the answers nearly blew me away..
然后,它需要你的牺牲,去采取切实可行的步骤,朝着我想要的,即便是原来生活里离不开的。Then it took the dedication to take actionable steps towards what I wanted as though my life depended on it.
好在,自从意识到我想要的和弄清楚之后:一切似乎都顺利起来,并且持续了多年。The best part though, since realizing what I wanted and getting clear: everything seems to fall into place and has been for years.
我说似乎二字,是因为我知道我仍然在努力地实现它,但现在感觉容易多了,毕竟是过来人了。I say :seems because I know I m still doing the work to make it happen,but it now feels effortless where as before it felt like I was always pushing against life..