小鱼寄语:生活中经常会出现这样的人,自己一米五却嫌弃一米八的人个子不够高,或者嫌别人练的太壮了(举个栗子)。。。健体选手Chloe Hunter就常常因为自己的体格引来“非议”。亲朋好友以及人们叫她“别练太大只”,这成为她生活中时常会遇到的烦恼。她对自己的身材表达了自己的看法:“我塑造我的形体,我是开心的。为我自己,我爱我的每一寸肌肉。你不可能让每个人都满意,爱你自己吧。”
走近百大冠军第245期Kryshna Garcia(WPD):“别太大只”,这是我最反感的一句话。Don't get too big.This is the most annoying thing you can say to me.
似乎我身材的风吹草动都要你来管。As if my body size needs your approval in the slightest.
也许我就想变得很大只,你有想过这个问题吗?Maybe I want to get too big, did you ever think of that?
我会吃着汉堡,冲向人群大声反驳:“别变太大只!”然后每个人都会表示反感。I would counter this by running up to people eating junkfood and screaming,Don't get too big bro!but then everyone would throw a hissy fit.
不要告诉健美女孩“你太大只了”,不要提醒她“请勿太大只”,不要先发制人的要求她“请勿太大只”。Don't tell a fitchick she is too big, don't remind her to not get too big, and don't preemptively ask her to not get too big.
如果她对你来说太大只了,那是你太弱了。If she's too big to you, you need to lift more bro.